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KCA teachers are committed to encouraging each child's development and passion for learning through a biblically-integrated, hands-on curriculum. KCA emphasizes development of a strong foundation of academics and character for children to build off of for the entirety of their academic career.
KCA's second-grade students enjoy a variety of academic courses throughout the week, as well as weekly classes in Computer, Music, Art, Library, and Physical Education. Our entire lower school joins together for weekly Chapels on Wednesdays.
Second graders practice reading aloud with accuracy, appropriate expression, volume, smoothness, and comprehension. Students learn to respond to story questions in complete sentences and in cursive writing. Second graders are taught cursive letters and practice this skill by writing sentences, poems, paragraphs, journal entries, and stories.
A variety of mathematical concepts are taught, such as geometry and measurement, time-telling and money counting, fractions, two-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, and multiplication and division. Our curriculum lays the foundation for higher mathematics at a young age.
Bible time includes pledges, prayer, memory verses, songs, and the lesson for the week. Second-grade students study Bible stories in the Old and New Testaments to see how these apply to their life. Character development is an integral part of the curriculum, as it is our goal to lead children to a saving knowledge of Christ and to help them grow spiritually in the Lord.
Students' interest in our country is stimulated through a study of the background of American history. Second graders learn about America, our home, the people who built America, and tomorrow's America.
In science class, students enjoy studying about themselves and our planet, different plants and animals, things that move, things that work together, and the solar system. Second Grade students have the opportunity to complete their first solo science fair project! Students work to ask a question and follow the scientific method to see if their hypothesis was correct.

For more information, please contact the school and schedule a meeting with our staff or a full tour.

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