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The goal of the Elementary General Music program is to provide students with opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of music through consistent interaction with the basic components of music. Students will learn to build and develop their musicianship and critical thinking skills – these include: singing, chanting, playing/performing on instruments, moving/dancing, creating, reading/notating, and listening/analyzing/describing. Through these activities, our goal is to cultivate a life-long enjoyment of, curiosity about, and appreciation for music.
All general music students in grades 1st through 5th grade traditionally participate in our annual Christmas Musicale as the choir that backs up the 6th grade actors on the stage. This annual event brings our school community together in celebration of birth of our Savior. The musicale is usually the first Friday of December.
During the 3rd grade students participate in the learning the recorder as a primer instrument to the variety of band instruments available in the 4th grade. Recorders usually starts in February.
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