Historically, more than 90% of KCA families have re-enrolled for the upcoming year.
To fulfill our mission to work together with the home we aim to streamline the enrollment process through Continuous Enrollment. Students are continuously enrolled from their initial enrollment into the school system until they graduate from The King's Christian Academy. The Continuous Enrollment system lets us maximize our resources to provide Christian education to our families at the highest level of excellence and save families time and effort.
What is Continuous Enrollment?
Rather than an opt-IN annual re-enrollment process, our annual re-enrollment will become an OPT-OUT process. In other words, if you’re coming back after signing your Continuous Enrollment Contract, you’ll never have to worry about this again.
Our normal re-enrollment period (February/March) will simply be a communication reminder from the Admissions Office informing the families that might be thinking about leaving our school to notify us prior to February 28. 90+% of KCA families will have the convenience of ignoring this message and doing absolutely nothing!
Why Does it Benefit Current Families?
Simplicity and guaranteed placement. With increasing enrollment, we are either at or near wait-lists in many of our grades, placement in next year’s class is an increasingly sought-after spot. By opting into continuous enrollment, you’ll be locking in that coveted seat for your child until graduation.